Brad 'The Moose' Armstrong
John 'The Mountain Snail' Hancock
Andrew Kerr (the T-Rex of Tri) got me into the show when I did my first long distance race at Challenge Wanaka 2008. I met the boys at Camp Kia Kaha in the French Pyrenees later that year which is where I got my nickname - despite years of coaching, John N said that my descending of big hills is amongst the slowest he’s ever seen .. So that’s me: age grouper dad, cancer survivor, squeaked under 11h once but race goes backwards fast when I leave T1. The show has been an enormously important part of my triathlon journey and I’ve made a heap of friends through it - and get a lot of love in races when people recognise the trisuit! Kia kaha. John

Levi Kolesar

Steve Chamberlain Ward

Alastair Knockton

Pete Githens
About me . . .
I was a former couch potato who often made the statement "I don't run unless something is chasing me and I'm out of bullets". Then I realized I was going to get caught pretty easily or have a heart attack. I was in my 40s, overweight, with a high-stress job, basically a stroke waiting for a place to happen. I started eating better and running or rather walking with a few brisk trots thrown in. The first time I ran all the way around my neighborhood I thought it was pretty amazing and figured it to be about 5 miles. The most disappointing day of my endurance career was the day I got my Garmin and determined my 5 mile route was really only 2.4 miles. Damn. Since then things have gotten better, faster, and farther culminating in the completion of a very stormy 2014 Ironman Lake Placid. I was at the tail end of the swimmers that got to finish the entire swim. The swim was my biggest mental hurdle and I was so happy I got to complete it. Otherwise, I work in a typical corporate environment in a windowless office doing project management for an R&D group at a software company. Aside from endurance sports, I spend my days hunting, fishing, and camping with my wife. I enjoy writing and chronicle my life's adventures on my blog: https://pgithens.wordpress.com/

Phil 'Stretch' Ellis
Fitness with Phil is a handy little resource for anyone starting out in triathlon just like me. Feel free to follow my training plans. I also run a Bootcamp and open water swim training in my spare time so drop me a line if either interests you. www.fitnesswithphil.com

Rob 'Spine Tingler' Green
Chiropractic Physician - Active Release Technique Provider - Graston Technique Provider - Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist - USA Triathlon Level I Certified Coach

Søren b. Vrist

Damian 'The Hundred Dollar Bill' Bennett
In work, I’ve been a Development Agent for Subway here in the UK for the last 10 years or so. In play, I’ve been a triathlete since 2012. Fortunate that the current Mrs Bennett is sympathetic to my training time and has provided me with(!) a son & heir, William, 6. Due to peer pressure & the inspiration provided by IMTalk, I’ll be tackling my first IM at Roth this July at the ripe old age of 45 with a dozen or so of my mates from Knutsford Tri Club. Go by the name Damo.

Marcus Aronsson
Marcus Aronsson is a Swedish triathlete he is 37 years of age and lives with his two daughters and fiancé in the town of Gnosjö. He works as a firefighter in the small city Borås. Marcus did his first triathlon in 2012 at the sprint Borås Triathlon. He was hooked and decided to try a half ironman on the island of Tjörn. 2014 he raced in KMD Ironman Copenhagen and his first Ironman he finshed in 10 hours and 7 minutes. One day he hope to qualify to Hawaii, but the most important thing for him is to have fun when he trains and competes.
- Name: Marcus Aronsson
- Age: 38 (Born 1977)
- Height: 172 cm
- Weight: 72 kg
- Club: Anderstorps OK
- Website / blog: http://marcustriathlon.wordpress.com
- Instagram: @MarcusAronsson1
- Twitter: @AronssonMarcus
- Sponsors: www.salmingrunning.com, www.UmaraSports.com, www.NativeFitness.se

Simon Paice

Dan Cole
Mid life crisis triathlon fan, which also gives me a good excuse to still eat cake. After 4 years in triathlon, always thinking about the goal of doing an Ironman, I finally felt ready last year (the John Newsom 4 year plan?!). Had a great day at Ironman UK, which through a lucky roll down got me to Kona - where I had another great day out. And it was great to see all the places on course you've that I've heard about whilst churning out the miles in another crap British winter. @holmburyhill on Twitter and www.athlinks.com/athletes/87004603 on Athlinks

James Corlett

Marc 'The Missile' Scudamore
Been listening to the show for about 5 years now.
Got into triathlon through Xterra in 2007 and got hooked on swim, bike, run.
I finished a 70.3 last year and have two more on the schedule for this year.

George 'Mr Money' Banks

Brett Sammut

David Hutcheon

Matt Craft
I am 44 years old and live just outside of Canberra, married with 2 kids who have a busy weekend sporting schedule. I have been a Police Officer for 26 years and have recently moved away from general duties shift work to normal shifts which makes consistent training a lot easier! I have been racing triathlon, mostly long course stuff for about 20 years and will be racing my 9th ironman in Melbourne in March. I set my PB there last year at 10.53. I’m not particularly suited to the distance as my skinny race weight is in the low 90kg’s. I grew up playing rugby as a loose forward and played senior rugby at a high level. A. My goal is Hawaii and am shooting for a legacy spot as I’m a little way off a roll down slot.

Søren Bjerregaard Vrist
I'm 32, living in denmark (just north of copenhagen) with a wife and 3 year old daughter. Started triathlon inspired by a friend and actually following Gordos epic-camp blogging in 2010ish. Since then I learned to swim and joined a triathlon club, got a bike, etc. My career has been 3 "middle-distance"(halfironmanish) and 5 shorter distance (olympic and down to 400m,18k,4k) so actually not that expirenced. But loving the lifestyle and the training none the less!. (Self"coached")

Richard 'The Stinger' Rae
I'm still new to triathlon, I started cycling a bit about 8 years ago, but lost my fitness and gained weight every winter, until 2013, when I cycled La Marmotte and didn't want to lose my fitness afterwards, so I signed up for an autumn marathon. I soon caught the running bug, even though my first marathon was a nightmare! I then thought to myself that if I can run and cycle, I should do triathlon, there was just the little problem of the swim! Last year I did my first half iron distance race and in 2015 I am building towards my first iron distance race in September. Because I am unoriginal I have nicked John's idea and am blogging my Project 2015 here - http://nufcrichard.livejournal.com/ Keep up the great work on the show guys, I listen every week during my intervals session.Richard 'the Stinger' Rae

Andy Cipollini

Matt Holtwick
In September of 2012, my wife and I attended an event that my friend from high school and college was competing in. It was the Rev3 Cedar Point Full. I had no idea what to expect. At this event, as we were watching with our other friends (one had competed in the Rev3 Full last year and another was signed up for some 70.3 events and Ironman Louisville in 2013), I found something that I really wanted to do. I had gained some weight since college and after failed diet after failed diet, I could not get motivated. This event, as well as all of my wife, family, and friends supporting me in my decision to compete in triathlon, MOTIVATED me. My wife and I decided in the car during the drive home that I would do a triathlon in 2013….I did 7 sprints. In 2014, I did a bunch of sprints, 2 Olympics, and 1 half (Rev3 Cedar Point Half). 50 pounds lost later, I am a more positive, motivated, and inspired person. I continue to be motivated by wife and friends, but now with a new baby boy, an example for him is essential. Thank you to John and Bevan for everything they do! Can’t wait for what is to come!

Gareth Flynn
Living the dream in Melbourne, Australia, having moved from the UK in 1999. Member of the Mornington Peninsula Triathlon Club and the Team Barefoot Training Squad. The Peninsula is a triathlon paradise with safe bays to swim in and rolling hills and vineyards to cycle through. Would be an awesome athlete if I stopped sampling the produce from the vineyards and local restaurants! Favourite race distance - Half Ironman (less pain) and favourite race - Ironman Cairns for its stunning scenary.

Mike Threadgould
Mike Threadgould: Ex-pat Englishman now living in Austin, Texas. A friend got my hooked on IMTalk back in 2010. Did my first Ironman in 2013 at IM Texas (the hot one) and returned in 2014 (still hot but not quite as brutal). I'm part of the Primal Endurance team here in Austin and race to burn calories for breakfast tacos. Currently considering IM Canada in 2016.

Grant Richards
I’m a 12X IM finisher and longtime IM Talk listener. This picture is from back in my glory days. Over the years, John and Bevan have helped me through a lot of trainer and treadmill sessions; I’m happy to be able to give a little something back.

Ian "White Lightning" Hersey

Seano "The P0RNO" Barnes

Marc Thatcher
Kent, UK - based triathlete. Did first marathon in 2004 and hated it. Getting fat in 2009, decided I needed a massive goal so signed up for Marathon des Sables for 2012. Started running again with a proper plan and loved it. Started listening to IMTalk off the back of Marathon Talk and decided to try some triathlons post MdS. Did some sprints etc and built up to Ironman Wales 2014. 2015 doing some shorter stuff and more running and thinking of massive goal for 2016.

Martin "Silver Surfer” Silvester
Martin "Silver Surfer” Silvester (aka Numbnutz due to my rather clumsy bike mechanic skills). I’m a relatively new Triathlete having just ridden bikes for years. IM Talk has gotten me through two 70.3 and one Ironman and helping on the next one. More than happy to support Bevan and John, its a bargain! Two things to note. When my 8 year old "breaks wind" he says “man that ripped my jocks”. I am the unofficial leader of the "lock your wife out challenge" (for which i have still to receive a prize for my 2014 efforts).
Martins blog https://onefgear.wordpress.com/

Pau "The Hammer"l Deen

Jeff "The Explosion" Curry

Andrew Gilmour
I've raced most distances and been lucky enough to race in half a dozen countries. I'm a very average athlete and will never, ever, get near a podium but I have fun and that's rather the point isn't it.

Adam Turner

Colette Andrews
I'm a long term listener, who lives in the beautiful island of Guernsey (between the south of England and France). I haven't been longer than 70.3 yet, but perhaps when the children are older I'll have time for that. Our club website is www.guernseytriathlon.com.

Jack Lynch

Darren Jones

Sean Dooley

Gareth Donnelly
Gareth Donnelly – Irish athlete – PB is 10.35 – racing Frankfurt IM this year (2015) and game plan is to go sub 10 if at all possible!
Started triathlon in 2008 – got lessons on how to swim, couldn’t do a length – so have come a fair way – also started biking at the same time. Had trained for 1 marathon before this in 2007 with a fin time of 4.19. So no real athletic history.
My Ironman history has been first one in 2010 IM Switzerland 13.03 (on a road bike and got a mechanical – was just about finishing!)
2nd IM was a local full distance in 2012 where I had just went out to train on the course that morning to train a half distance (no intention of doing full distance) and ended up doing the full and finishing in 12.10 – my head wasn’t a pretty place during the marathon – the run was 42 x 1km out and backs.... brutal just brutal.
3rd IM was IM Austria in 2013 – and finishing time of 10.35 (1.06 swim, 5.18 bike, 3.57 run) – so a good progression over the past few years.
I’m a web developer – own my own business – check out www.linkni.com my business website
Also a member of Athlinks!

Michael Parrotte

Colin "The convict" Bialkoski
A triathlete since 2006, I discovered IM Talk a few years later and haven’t missed a week yet. I completed my first Ironman in 2013, with more to come! The best parts of the sport for me are the variety of training you get to do, and that most of it is outside. When I’m not training, I work as a Physical Therapist and Bike Fitter at PhysioActive (physioactivebc.ca) in beautiful Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. I would encourage the IM Talk community to check out the two long course races in the area, Challenge Penticton and Ironman Canada in Whistler. Both are beautiful, challenging courses. You won’t be disappointed!

Stuart Smith
I live in Staffordshire in England, where there's a great tri club (www.staffordtri.com). I've been doing triathlon since 2006, mostly Iron distance. Past couple of years I've done a few ultras as well, first 100 miler coming up this year. Still searching for a good IM run leg !

Melissa Urie

Gavin Kieran
I'm from Dundalk in Ireland. I'm a member of my local club Setanta and I started my journey in triathlon in 2012

Dave Heywood
I'm an Escrow Officer in Spanish Fork, Utah, USA. I've
been married to the same wonderful woman for 25 years and I'm the father
of 5 (2 girls, 3 boys). All of them love triathlon. I'm 52 years old,
always fighting the aging and weight gain process, and loving everything
about my life.
I'm doing Ironman Texas in May you guys always keep me motivated to get up and get out and train. Attached is a photo of myself and my daughter, who is racing with me. We are training and racing to raise funds for Save The Children (the charity organization teamed up with IMTX). Here is a link to a video explaining what we are
doing and why: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZBmpZimccc
Here's a link to our Save the Children donation page:

Brent Sheppard
I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana in the US. I've been racing triathlons since 2010. I am a member of a local tri club VMR (Venom Multisport Racing).

Evan Colyer

Des "The Seagull" Adkinson

Richard Golden Boy Lonsdale
Used to be a fat 105kgs lazy binge eating/drinking lardarse in my 40s who was prone to taking drunken bets on completing sporting events- marathons, Marmotte route ( I blew up on the mountain and just lay in the road until I was dragged to the side like roadkill) Humiliating. I then accepted yet another drunken bet that said that I couldn't do an Olympic triathlon.
Despite only able to do doggy paddle/breaststroke I thought why not. I completed it in a mere 3hrs 43mins with the chant of "run fat boy run" ringing in my ears at the end! Really enjoyed the whole experience and the support shown by everyone was amazing. I was so big in my Orca trisuit it did make me actually look like an Orca. I reckon there wasn’t a fish in miles when I landed in the water. Think Seaworld……..
So still drinking I accepted the next drunken bet of Ironman obviously! None of that build up malarkey, halfs pah, how hard can it be? Well for a rotund non-swimming chap like myself it was quite a challenge but by the time I got to the start line I was 90 ish kgs and had stopped drinking. I was in it just to get to the finish which I did after 13:29 and I loved it. I spent a lot of my run messing about with the crowds as well as trying and failing miserably to flirt with the red bull girl each lap. How she didn’t find a middle aged bloke wearing very tight sweaty lycra with the breath of stale gels attractive is beyond me........
Anyway, I have now downsized in distance and weight in an attempt to move from completing to competing then its back to Ironman for me with the thought being that I will eventually qualify for Kona if I live longer than anyone else.
I have to mention my arch nemesis Farid Shavaksha who taunts me constantly. He introduced me to Ironman and to the show and admittedly he is like a whippet. I continually say I will beat him every time we race and every time he thrashes me. I am getting closer though so only a matter of time Farid! He is going down!
Finally, a big shout out to my coach Phil Mosley and MyProCoach race team (www.myprocoach.net). So much money is spent on kit these days but the best money should always be spent on a good coach and this man is a genius! He has really transformed my thinking and understanding of what I need to do to get better. Aero wheels will give you seconds, a coach gives you minute after minute. It’s the smartest thing Ive done since I started with this.

Peter "Thor" Thaus

Adrian "FuiFui" Moy
- Live in Canberra, Australia
- Long time listener from the start of my triathlon experience in 2008 ish
- Nicknamed FuiFui (from my obvious physical similarity to the Tongan(??) Rugby League player J)
- Racing Ironman Australia in May, will be my 5th full IM
- Work as Civil Engineering Project Manager (my company help me so I race with their name, CIC Australia on my kit)
- Train mostly solo, but do have a close group of friends that we’ve dubbed ‘Whackit Racing’ after the Saturday rides, where generally we stick it in the big ring and whack ourselves for hard TT ride

Jon Woodman

Matt Van Nus
My Name is Matt Van Nus, I'm in Saskatchewan Canada. I'm training for
my first HIM in summer '15 and hopefully a full IM in 2016 in

Anthony "The Force" Lucas

David Sobel

Andrew Maud
Kiwi living in Dubai doing a bit of Swim, Bike, Run between work, travel and beers.

Adam Fox

Connor Sanders

Luke Godwin
I'm Luke Godwin and I'm from South Carolina USA. I have been racing triathlons since 2009 finishing 4 70.3s PR 4:45 and IMAZ in 2013 at 10:54. I have spent the last year working on running a little more and will get back into triathlons next year hopefully racing IM Louisville in 2016. Ultimate goal in sport is to qualify for Boston and Kona in the near future. I'm 36 years old and own several businesses and have a 3 year old daughter and a wonderful wife that keeps me from reaching my full potential as a triathlete. Love both IM Talk and the Legends podcasts keep up the great work guys.

Richard "Speed walker" Swan

Mike "Swizzle" Pizel

Nick "the Admiral" Rose
43 yo from UK. I’ve been listening to IMTalk since the first shows and met the guys in Roth in 2008. I am a family man with 2 kids aged 6 and 1 and a very supportive wife. I work hard as a IT Network Manager but my real passion is long course triathlon, having competed in 16 IM races and been to Kona twice my passion only gets stronger but with a twist now on getting to see great races in lovely locations to treat the family to a good holiday as part of the experience. I currently race as part of the Buccaneer Tri team in the UK with ‘Fegan’ The Constant Deliverer, Adam ‘Adrian’ Bardsley and David ‘The Green Light Kid’ Rowe who all attended Epic Camp Canada.
Loving the work and happy to be a patron of your great show.

Thierry "Va Va Voom" Bessede
I’m from Switzerland and live just outside Geneva with my wife and daughter. I started triathlon in the UK back in 2010 with Lincoln Tri Club, and since then I’ve completed two ironman (Nice and Mallorca).

Paula Green
I live in Somerset, UK. I did my first Super Sprint triathlon in 2011 and struggled to run 2.5k. In 2014 I finished IM Zurich. Hoping to do another Ironman in 2016 when I turn 50

Chrissie Mckinlay
Did my first triathlon in 2005 which was an Olympic after a few years of trail running and a dabble in multi sport. Followed the coach John 3 year plan and toed the start line of IMNZ in 2007 and have been ashamedly hooked every since.

Erich Felbabel
Erich is the man behind O2 Creations that do the IMTalk bike gear.
He also has a personal site www.erichfelbabel.com

Brent Chan
My photo has a bit of history to it. The other person in the photo is a friend of mine, Catherine Clarke. We were both racing in NZ at the Grand Final in 2012. Unfortunately she was killed in a motor vehicle accident while vacationing there after the race

Kristian Schiander

Robin Trotman

Nick Pocock
Nick is raising money in memory of his dad who passed away from Cancer last year

James Godek

Jeremy Rimene

Adam Leitch
I'm from England and started my triathlon journey by heading straight for Ironman after being inspired my girlfriend Kelly. I visited her in hospital after the seventh major operation she had had on her left knee and found her watching the highlights of Ironman Wales. It looked utterly horrendous but as she lay in the hospital she told me she was going to complete an Ironman race. She duly did, albeit with none of the kit - she did all her training on a mountain bike - and no idea about training plans, nutrition etc. I was totally inspired that day by not only Kel but everyone doing the race and fell in love with triathlon. My addiction to it lasts until this day. I am a journalist and cover Premier League football for a living, but this is my passion. It changes lives and you could not wish to meet a more welcoming bunch than triathletes. If you might like hearing about Southampton Football Club and triathlon you could always follow me on Twitter @adamleitchsport

Andy Seager
I am from the UK and have lived in Abu Dhabi with my wife for the last 7 years. I have completed 6 iron distance races since then and am currently training for IM TX in May 2016. I am 55 years old.. I am sort of front middle of the pack and although I would love to go to Kona it may just be a distant dream although never say never. I love the training and love to go out on the longer sessions and just have me and my thoughts (as well as my coaches program!!) to be with. I save your podcasts for my longer runs.

Andrew Hunt

Craig Nicholson

Simon "The Official" Marshall and Liz "Elastic Girl" Verheyden

Michael Okane

Colin Durrant

Mandy Towler
Got hooked on triathlon after running a lot of marathons for a lot of years… now I seem to do both! Makes for some really good time management skills and prioritising. Love the show…listen to it always. My favorite bits are when Bevan or John say something funny and crack themselves up…. Sanding the deck and what to do around bears was memorable! Keep up the good work.

William Lockwood
I'm coming at triathlon as more of a runner; I'm a multiple marathoner and ultra runner as a member of London group Run Dem Crew. I was inspired by other members of the crew to complete my first triathlon with my brother (with more booked in the next couple of months), and IM Talk has been a great source of motivation and know-how. I love running hilly Scottish trails and getting out for countryside rides.

James Slade

Adam Filby
Thanks to Peter Mclean in Sydney who got me into Triathlon, he was supposed to kicking my arse at Sunshine Coast 70.3 but unfortunately has a calf injury, get well soon Pete

Scott Steven

Tynan "The Barbarian" Narywonczyk
I live in Cairns (Aus) Addicted to Ironman and other endurance events, lucky enough to have married Helena this year who is also addicted to this amazing sport.

Rebecca Speirs

Adam Himes

Olaf "Darth Maul" Schweidler
Hello, I have been doing triathlon since 2006 and have recently (2013) gone up to the IM distance and love it. I started a multi-sport racing team in West Chester PA back in 2010 http://www.turksheadracing.com. We use Facebook primarily as a way to communicate to the team and anyone that wants to be part of our Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/turksheadracing/ . Overall we are a very competitive group and have several members that have participated and done very well at the national and world level. Overall, I am thrilled to be part of such a great group of people and love the day that I stumbled across IMTalk. My nickname for IMTalk is "Darth Maul" but on the team its "Iron O"

Roger Canham

Joe Spraggins

mark aaby.jpg
Mark is married and is a father of three boys. He coaches his older sons, who are twins, travel baseball team. While his free time is dedicated to family activities, travel baseball takes a lot of time, he still enjoys training and staying in shape. He is an avid listener of IM Talk, and hasn't missed an episode in several years. While he has raced in triathlons of all distances over the past five years, he has yet to compete in an iron distance event. He plans on doing so one day, when his boys are older.

Ken Welsh
I grew up near Vancouver, Canada but moved to the States in 1995 and I lead a local triathlon coaching company / racing team focused in the Kansas City area. Website is www.mwtricoach.com. I have been doing triathlons since 1992, first Ironman was Canada in 1994. I’ve qualified for Kona three times, made the trip twice. Age up in 2016 so I will be trying to earn a spot at IM Coeur d’Alene next August. The plan is the Welsh family will be going to Hawaii next October whether “Dad” is racing or not, so the pressure is ON!

Paul “Chainsaw” Linck
I am Paul “Chainsaw” Linck and was an IMTalk Age Grouper of the week in 2011 -- my proudest achievement. I am from Atlanta, Georgia and part of Atlanta Triathlon Club Race team and my coach is the famous / awesome Alan Couzens from Endurance Corner. I have completed 20 full IMs and almost 40 HIMs — I am a crappy swimmer, a decent cyclist and an OK runner (sometimes). I have been married 21 years and I have 3 teenage kids. I have been a software developer my entire career and now do software development in the home automation, home theater market.

Tommy Craig

Robb Lockwood
My name is Robb Lockwood and I live in Sandy, Bedfordshire with my Wife and Son. My brother (fellow patron, William 'Treasure-chest' Lockwood) lured me into Triathlon by entering a sprint distance event near me in June '15 and asking if I'd like to join him. Never one to turn down a challenge, I accepted. I had to learn how to swim, buy a bike, get running and shed some timber. Since then, I have competed in several events, each time getting faster; and have dropped 4 stone (so far) as a result! Now part of the Letchworth based 'Freedom Tri' club ("Hertfordshire's friendliest Triathlon Club" - it's true) to train and race with, I have set my sights on completing a 70.3 before the end of next year and my first full Iron-distance race before my 30th birthday (January 2018).

Brian Lafleur

Jens Dahlman
I'm 35 years old. I'm a husband and a father. I'm a pilot. I'm an athlete. I am an ironman. Read more at jensdahlman.blogspot.com

Michael Turner

Nemo Brauch
I’m just your average middle to back of the pack age grouper. I live on the Outer Banks of North Carolina (yes, that place you see on the news getting hit by hurricanes all the time) with my husband and two very spoiled kitties. I have a pretty traditional corporate type job, but I work from a home office which is what allows me to live in this beautiful and remote place. I’m actually not much of a beach girl ( I burn easily and I haven’t figured out how to surf) but I love sitting on our back deck looking over the sound waters, fishing, kayaking, sailing with my husband, or heading off to the mountains for a weekend of backpacking and camping (I believe you guys would call it "tramping").
I didn’t do anything athletic until I was in my 30s. As a kid I was a band/choir/drama geek and any exercise I got came from marching on a field. I still love to sing in my small church choir on Sunday mornings. I did my first 10K race in 1999 and similar to many other stories you hear, things just snowballed from there. A few half marathons, ultra marathon, and duathlons later and I’m suddenly dipping my toe into the water for triathlon. And, like many others, it was the swim that nearly kept me from continuing in the sport. I was pulled from the water in 2 out of my first 3 attempts at short distance triathlons. Eventually I overcame the fear by singing “just keep swimming, just keep swimming” to myself and the nickname “Nemo” was born. Four Ironman races later and I think I can safely say I’ve overcome that challenge.
I started listening to IMTalk back when it was, you know, that other name! You guys are with me on most every weekly long run. I also really enjoy Legends of Triathlon. Keep up the good work!

Leahn Parry

Rob Mohr
I'm an age grouper living in NYC. Despite no background in SBR, I got into triathlon as a way to stay in shape and out of trouble while working long hours and living with friends in the city. After posting an 11:23:08 in my first Ironman back in 2012, I got hooked on the sport and was hellbent on getting faster. With the help of IM Talk, who intro'd me to coach Justin Daerr, I've shaved two hours off my time with a PB of 9:26:02 at IM Cozumel in 2015. The finish time got me an age group win (25-29 AG) and punched my Kona ticket for 2016. Hoping to go faster on the Big Island. Photography is a bit of a hobby as well, so I capture some of my training on Instagram: https://instagram.com/followmetokona . Athlinks page is here. Kia kaha!

Jeremy Hopwood

Warren Sutherland

Rob Arruda
Born and raised in Toronto, Canada but now live in the Dallas, Texas area. I’m married with 3 kids and I sell Corporate Security Systems for Siemens.
I’m a 7 time Ironman and I’m doing IM Nice this year. I hope to get to Kona via the Legacy Lottery.

Sean Green
I live in Ancaster Ontario Canada. I have a great supportive family that allow me to compete and train over the last 3 years that I have been involved with Triathlon. I'm excited about my first big race this July at Challenge Roth. I am an auto worker at Toyota. I also belong to the incredible Team MaccaX.
Looking forward to supporting you guys.

Parker Day
I attached a pic of myself and my daughter Hudson at a local Tri in the Des Moines, Iowa area where I live. Been listening to the show on my daily commutes since 2012 and appreciate all that you guys do for the sport and the good laughs along the way. My passion for tri started with a team relay at the inaugural Hy-Vee Triathlon in 2007 and snowballed into much more over the years. I recently developed and launched an indoor cycling assistance stand business (for all those trainer road and Zwifters out there), Cave Competitor, to make all those indoor sessions much more enjoyable and performance driven. Check us out at cavecompetitor.com!

Daniel Clarke
Daniel Clarke from Toronto, Canada. I remember watching the Sydney Olympics as an 11-year-old. I had no idea what triathlon was at that time, but after watching Simon Whitfield run through the field to win gold I decided I would do one someday. I grew up playing team sports, mostly hockey, and got started in endurance sports in 2012 after I graduated university. It's been a great journey since then, and I look forward to continuing to push myself, and meeting some awesome people along the way.

Rob Gray
Rob Gray lives in Boulder, and juggles training, work and chasing 2 small kids around. In his spare time he is a multiple Kona qualifier and the winner of Ultraman Florida 2016. www.robgray.org

Stefan Dooney
Enjoy the training elements of endurance sport. Running, cycling and less so swimming.

Carol Cooper.jpg

Andrew Kerr

Joel Bell (1)
I live in VA Beach, VA and started racing IM distance at IMFL in 2007. I've got 6 in the books so far including Kona in 2012 and 2015. I'm taking a couple of year off from IM to focus on Oly and 70.3 but I'll be back. I work for the US Navy doing environmental compliance - making sure they don't blow up any whales or dolphins. Free time is spent training, drinking craft beers, and hanging at the beach. I also do some coaching on the side.

Roger Dooley

Anthony Camilleri

Rob "dutchy" Lines
've been doing triathlons since 2005 when I joined Tri-Anglia Triathlon club in Norfolk, UK. I was chairman of the club from 2011 to 2014, last year their communications officer and this year taken on the role of "coaching and training coordinator" which I view as the admin side of a head coach, so looking to build up a solid set of sessions for our 700 members.

Lee Spoor
A former cricketer, so no skills that naturally lend themselves to being a triathlete (hence my "average-ness"), but love the sport anyway! A member of the fantastic Tri Preston club in the UK, and spending so much time in my car through work, am usually accompanied by IM Talk on my Tuesday mornings. Kia Kaha!

Tony Buckingham
Working, 2 Kids both girls, almost 3 and almost 5... was banned from Ironman triathlon since kona 2010 not a drugs ban but a wife enforced ban, little did she know that I signed up with coaching from Jen Rose for Olympic and Sprint distance triathlon, which actually ment an increase in hours, back to long distance this year, after a winter of cross country skiing.

David Gedge
I’m from Vancouver, Canada. I did not come from an endurance background, but I was a very active youngster and grew up playing lots of team sports in addition to skiing and mountain biking. Like a lot of your listeners, I have a young family and a fairly demanding job, so training often has to take backseat to those things. But I’ve made it part of my lifestyle now and I really just aim for consistency over the long term. Missing a day here or there isn’t a big deal. Doing an Ironman was originally just a “bucket list” item for me. But, after a year of training and my first full distance race in 2012, I was hooked. Since then, my wife and I started a family (2 boys under the age of 3) so I’ve decided to focus on getting faster over the shorter distances. I actually find the shorter racing a lot of fun and it’s possible to stay reasonably competitive with only 8-10 hours training a week. I will likely step back up to long distance racing in a few years when the kids are a bit more independent. I look forward to IMtalk each week, it’s a great little community and I’m happy to support your show. Keep up the great work.

John Muncey
Originally from London but now living in the triathlon paradise that is Zurich, Switzerland.
I had a long time dream to compete in triathlon but prioritized career, family and friends instead for many years. I decided that 2010 would be the year in which I made my debut, but shortly after starting training I fell sick and was hospitalized for the first time in my life. After six months of repeated sickness and various procedures, I was diagnosed with a rare form of Leukaemia. Chemotherapy treatment followed and I was finally given the all clear to start swimming again in June 2011. I competed my first sprint triathlon two weeks later and was hooked. Since then I have competed in 16 triathlons including 2 x 70.3's
Given my complete lack of athletic ability I will never be more than a middle to back of the pack athlete, but I love our sport and everything it represents.
Very happy and proud to support the show and compete in my IM Talk tri suit too.

Lauren Webb

Chris Swain

James Spence
I'm a 32 year old Kiwi living in Brussels, Belgium. Been here for 5 years. Have always been a runner, loving the trails and marathons over here but have just started getting into Triathlon. I started training on Jan 1st this year and my first race is the Luxembourg 70.3 in June, then in am doing the Alpe d Huez triathlon in July.

David Meenan

Joe Harwood
I live in Essex, England a member of Blackwater Tri Club.

James Thomas

Mark Royden
I am 56 years old, from London. Your shows have got me through run training for 8 IM’s. I did Norseman and Lanza in the same year which was probably my biggest challenge. I am pushing off to circumnavigate the globe by cycle in Sept, so I plan to listen to your podcast traveling through the 21 countries en route. I am raising money for a great cancer charity here in the UK https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Mark-Royden (still needs some work)
Keep up the great work!

Martin Waite
I live in Seaford on the south coast of England and I'm currently in year 7 of the John Newsom 3 year plan - and still going. I've had a couple of read outs on the show over the years - the first one I got rubbished by John in a discussion of the week and the second one I discovered that John wasn't following his fifty chews regimen. On both occasions my running picked up for a good half mile afterwards.
I first listened in 2009 and after an initial ticker issue which resolved itself pretty quickly, I was set to get an Ironman in before I turned 40 (which would have been in 2012). Life had other plans however, and my daughter was diagnosed with rare cancer and we tightened the family ranks for five years. IMTalk was a therapy of sorts. Familiar voices making me laugh and keeping me dreaming. My daughter dreamed too and she completed a Scootathlon in 2013, with her younger sister in tow. We had great support from the triathlon community, in particular Team Inspiration (see the link below), and Chrissie Wellington no less.
My daughter's great loves were swimming, biking and running, she would have loved to do a real triathlon and see me do one too. Sadly, in 2015 at the age of 9, she died before she had the chance. In 2016 I finally managed to get to the start line of IM Staffordshire 70.3 with the help of Team Inspiration. Next year I hope to take it further - raising money for those who helped us along the way. We set up an appeal in our daughter's name and have managed to sponsor a PHD student to research a cure for the disease that took her too soon.

Chris Docherty
- First tri in 1995
- Have kept increasing the race distance in search of one where I’m better than mediocre… not worked yet!
- Live in Lincolnshire, UK
- Work in the Royal Air Force (plenty of hours spent on operations in the back of a Tornado GR4)
- Level 2 Triathlon England Coach
- Part of RAF Triathlon and Lincoln Tri Club
- Enjoy inconsistent training and eating too much cake!
- I have a place at the University of Nottingham next year to study ‘Nutrition and Dietetics’ (become registered Dietician afterwards). So, listening with interest to your studies!

Phil Scott

Grant Baxter
Always skinny, but never really fit, in 2012 I started running more frequently and found out that I was quite good at it. My running partner was a keen triathlete who quickly got me into the sport. I had to learn how to swim (I could do the survival doggy paddle, but forget about swimming 50m), and also had to buy a bike. By 2016 I have done a bunch of shorter distance races and two 70.3 races, as well as the awesome Lidingoloppet trail run in Sweden. 2016 will culminate in IM Wales, and quite a few beers. My plan for 2017 is to focus a little more on running races and shorter distance triathlons, mixing things up to keep it fresh. Thanks for the podcast, it has helped me through many painful commutes to work, and not quite so painful training sessions.

Ben Walton
I live in Dubai and race Ironman and 70.3 distance race with a full distance PB of 9:47 in Frankfurt this past summer. I have a mobile app called Styck (styckapp.com) which is aimed at getting people to move more throughout the day by offering rewards from sponsors for users hitting movement goals.

Karl Trout
A bIt about me, I was born and raised in San Diego, Ca. USA birthplace of Tri... and never even knew it... :-) move to New York to Make it big in the Big Apple in the music industry.. ended up in the Computer Engineering field in New Jersey... I think I turned right and the cones went left... Anyways, I now live in Atlantic City, NJ, I have been listening to you guys for the past 5 Years every Sat or Sunday long run. Strangely that's the same amount of Time I've been competing in Tri...

Kevin "the assassin" Hunt

Shawn Obrien

Brodie Edge
I'm a 26 year old guy from Geelong in Victoria, I work as a building designer and I've been type 1 diabetic for 14 years. Over the past 4 or 5 years I've completed a few short course races as a way of keeping myself fit over the summer when I haven't been playing aussie rules football. I've decided to hang up the boots and turn my focus to long distance triathlon. This season I have the Ballarat and Geelong 70.3's on my radar and will scope out how my diabetes reacts to the efforts I put out before I really have a crack and commit to an ironman.

Ethan Matyas
I’ve got to say – I love the podcast and have been listening for years. And that is saying something considering I gave up triathlon four years ago when I realized that I liked swimming almost as much as paying taxes! My focus is primarily trail and ultrarunning – especially the 50 and 100mi distances. I’m not super-fast but consistent and able to hold pace for hours and hours and hours. My best run so far is a ~21hr 100 mile run. I spend a ton of time running (15-20 hrs a week) and look forward to your podcast every week to keep me occupied on my Tuesday or Wednesday morning runs! I even get a kick out of the random local weather reports!
Bradley "speedo" Odom
I've been in triathlon since 2011 after a running injury caused me to get into swimming to try and continue losing weight after getting to 248 lbs. I was hooked on the sport like many after my 1st race. Since then I've continued to train hard and consistent. I did my first ironman in 2014 at Chattanooga finishing in 11:08. I'm coming off my best season ever this year and recently completed Miami 70.3 in 4:35 missing my goal of a WC slot by one at roll down. I'm still too big in my opinion at 6'2" and 205 lbs, so my goal is to try my best to get under 190 before Galveston 70.3 in April. I'll be implementing the Newsome plan of eating low carb high fat, but "eating less!" My team is Tri Coach Georgia. Check us out online and on Facebook.

Benn Coubrough
Passionate & about health and fitness..improving peoples lives, inspiring others to achieve their goals. Favourite sport Triathlon's, love racing and challenge the body, pushing through the pain barriers. Interested in all things sport, health & fitness. Coach, Health & Lifestyle professional and Personal Trainer … Love the beach and spending as much time as i can with my wife Layn Logue & Top Poodle Frankie.
Stroke No Limits Coaching
Website: http://benncoubrough.wix.com/stroke-no-limits
Facebook Page https://web.facebook.com/strokenolimits
Twitter - https://twitter.com/Bennycoubs
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/strokenolimits/
Stroke Foundation Page - https://doit4stroke.everydayhero.com/au/benn#/?_k=d8rrhy
“Helping you to become the best version of yourself"
Matt Crehan
Matthew from Melbourne. New to the endurance game, with the common issues of fitting in training while working full time and trying to complete my Masters degree. Raced my first 70.3 earlier this year, looking towards Iron Man New Zealand in March 2017, with a couple of marathons and shorter triathlons along the way.

Simon "motor mouth: Early
Originally from Southampton, I have lived in Hinckley, Leicestershire (UK) for 20+ years.
I've been doing triathlon since 2012 - the same year that I qualified in Galway, Ireland for the IM 70.3 World Championships in Las Vegas.
Since then, I have completed 3 full Iron distance races with my best being 11hrs, several 70.3 and numerous Olympic + other distances.
I come from a running background (some 15 years) and find that triathlon / tri training helps keep the injuries at bay!
Being an HGV driver - I have to focus on exercise as it'd be all too easy to become a stereotypical (overweight + unfit) member of this profession!
However, my job does allow me plenty of time to listen to music and podcasts .. which is where I discovered IM Talk.
Phil Whitehead
Tenth year in multisport in 2017 and off to Kona for the first time. Reformed fat guy and triathlon addict.
Married to Marie with a son Matthew. Work as a shift team leader in a biomass power station and also designed and am Race Director for The Lakesman Triathlon. www.theakesman.com a stunning IM distance race in the English Lake District with very little elevation on the bike and flat run course.
Love the show and is the staple of my long ironman rides.

Pete Mills
Soon to be 51. Married with two kids. Live in Switzerland at the foothills of the Alps. Occupation is a Lloyds of London underwriter who has paid his fair share of New Zealand earthquake claims! I have been racing triathlons since 2001. I have probably done close to 50 multisport endurance races over the years including 6 Ironman’s. I have been very close on a number of occasions but have never Kona qualified. I participated in Epic Camp France 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Started the Team Tokio Cycling and Triathlon Club in Bermuda in 2005. We were founding sponsors of Tyler Butterfield and Flora Duffy.
My prior sports experience was rugby and had the pleasure of playing with two All Blacks and 3 British Lions while playing rugby in Ireland & the US.
Athlinks career vs John Newsom 0-1 (Half Ironman UK 2003 or 2004).
Bermuda nickname: “The polystyrene brick”. For my swim prowess….

Mandy Towler
After running a lot of marathons over the years I moved into triathlon. I completed quite a few 70.3 distance events and my family thought that seeing I could still stand upright and function I could cope with the full ironman. So with their blessing I took on the full distance. I’ve completed Busselton 3 times and been to Kona twice. I’m going back to Busselton this year (2016) to race alongside my brother who is doing his first. After that I would really like to come down and have a go at Challenge Wanaka as it just looks beautiful. I find the challenges of work, family and triathlon a bit tough at times but love this sport. I’m on the committee at the Adelaide Triathlon Club and am learning about all the work that goes on, often behind the scenes, in putting on events and holding together a membership. I look forward to continuing on in the sport for years to come with many great role models in the senior age groups.
Sam "Hotrod" Hicks
I'm a summer hack of a sprint and OD distance
Triathlete with a huge passion for running and big running background.
This all stemmed from my dad who was a
Very strong runner back in the 70's . One of his P.b's included
A 2:17 marathon in the choysa marathon in Auckland 1977.
My best so far for marathon is 2:45 here in Adelaide in August.
I've found IM talk when my mum sent me over( from chch)
" the fitness attitude " by Bevan. Ever since reading about
Bevans personal story there was so much I could identify
With being about the same age growing up in chch.
Now I'm a full time PT and running coach specialising in
Marathon. http://www.4runners.com.au/ is my online coaching business
which I established this year.
I'm also on the coaching committee for http://runningadelaide.net/
which is a separate rec runners group in Adelaide.
Matt Jones
I'm from Swansea, in Wales, U.K. and I'm a member of Celti Tri.

Andrew Owen
I'm part of a small Tri Club/Team in Perth, Western Australia named Stinger Tri - however, most of our members are just in it for the Christmas Party at the end of the year. My athlinks profile is here - https://www.athlinks.com/athletes/138599548

Aaron Morgan
Only been in triathlon since 2013. 2013 was the year that changed my life I went from never running a single running race to doing a full Ironman. Typical story was about to turn 40 unfit & overweight (115kg). So I started a bootcamp lost some weight got fit enough to do a ½ mara so I did one in July. Didn’t want to waste my fitness & thought I will never be this fit again so I tried a full mara in August (Adelaide Mara). In passing someone mentioned Ironman again I thought I will never be this fit again so I set my sights on IM Western Australia in Dec. Never done a triathlon at all so as a lead up a did a Duathlon in September 10km/40km/5km on my mountain bike. Then bought a 2nd hand road bike & did Murrayman long course 2k/90k/20k in November. Then finally IM Western Australia in December finishing in 11:31 & was so happy to go under 12hrs. Since went back the 2 following years with 10:55 & in 2015 was very happy with 10:16.
Triathlon has taught me great things are possible if you stick at it.
I own together with my wife the Comfort Inn & Suites Augusta Westside https://www.facebook.com/augustawestside/ where I love my laundry shift where I settle in & listen to your podcast.
Attached is my pic. Declan my son at age 1 had a brain tumour removed which left him with some physical difficulties & can’t ride a bike. So I had a custom sidecar made for a mountain bike so he gets to come out for some rides. Which generally ends up being Tour de Playgrounds!
Tim Carpenter
Originally from the UK and started triathlon soon after moving to Perth, Western Australia in 2006. Starting out at not being able to swim 50 metres I've been to Kona twice, maybe one more time to come but a young family comes first at the moment. I'm a member of Stadium Tri Club stadiumtriclub.com who run the Karri Valley Triathlon http://stadiumtriclub.com/karri-valley-tri/ the best race in WA with fresh water swim, rolling bike leg and a trail run (1.5 / 60 / 12)

Marijke Zeekant
My name is Marijke Zeekant,you can find me also on Athlinks and Facebook. Several years ago someone made a wikipedia-page about me: https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marijke_Zeekant
My tri club is The Dolfijn in Amsterdam, so whenever you are in Amstedam, come and train at my club!! http://dolfijntriathlon.nl/

Vincent Francoual

Jason "Big Mac" Gerke

Paul Yoder
I live in Northern Missouri in the United States and enjoy all distance triathlon. To date I have only completed one full distance Iron Man, but will be doing IM Chattanooga at the end of the summer (2017) and a full distance race every year until I qualify for Kona—my next goal. My previous goal was being a Wanger of the Week…which I managed to accomplish for ‘slippery’. Highlight of my life! Raised in the Midwest I teach courses in Secondary Education and adolescent psychology at Truman State University. I am married and have daughter (11yo) who dreams of being a professional dancer. I have a niece who suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, so a big part of my racing is dedicated to raising money and brining awareness of MD as we continue to fight for a cure.

Michael Goode
I’ve been doing triathlons since 2014. First one was the Abu Dhabi sprint, then local races including the Challenge Bahrain and IM70.3Bahrain races. The biggest challenge in Bahrain is training in the heat. We get 6 months of great weather, 3 months of “it’s really hot” and 3 months of “OMFG”. I’m attempting Ironman Austria this year. I tried last year but panicked in the swim and had to pull out. Going back to tick the box. Training for Austria is also hard in Bahrain as we have no hills, the toughest climb is 25m of elevation.
Member of The Bahrain Triathlon Club which is a great group with a huge age and ability range but a really supportive and fun outlook. Everyone waits for the last finisher to cheer them in. I’m also proud to be part of Team Dillon and coached by Stuart Hayes.

Robin "Mr Big" Trotman
Robin's girls showing off his trophy from a race win
Steve Camacho

Scott Woolsey
I'm a middle of the pack, age group triathlete working my way up the distances. My first half distance will be this September (the Brineman) here in Salt Lake City, followed by Oceanside next Spring (Northern Hemisphere), and hopefully Kona 70.3 next year (all representing the fabulous Salt Lake Tri Club). I have acute glaucoma and am already blind in one eye, which makes sighting on the swim and some bike courses quite challenging - but it's not like I've lost limbs or been diagnosed with ALS. So I endeavor to persevere. As you may note from the photos I enjoy skiing and run in terror from dinosaurs.
Andy Phillips

Sam Walls
After I finished high school in 2014, with a doctor telling me I needed to drastically improve my weight to live a healthy life, I started exercising and very quickly got the exercise bug.
In 2016 I signed up for Extra Mile Runners with Bevan and went from only being able to run 2km to training for 2 half marathons and a full marathon in my first year.
Listening to Bevan tell stories about his Ironman days started me wondering if I could do one as well, now I have my sights set firmly on the huge challenge of Ironman. Bring it on!
Keep up the awesome work, I really love listening to the podcast and hearing intimately and candidly what Ironman is like, my favourite parts are your race reports and hearing from age group athletes on the day to day challenges they overcome during training and race day.

Adam Waite
I live in London and I make iPhone apps for a living (including this triathlon race pace calculator: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/tri-pace-triathlon-pace-calculator/id1191647134?mt=8). I did my first IM in Nice 2016 in 12:09. I’ll be racing my second in Barcelona next Saturday - I’m hoping to come in under 10 hours this time

Thomas Long
I am a middle of the pack triathlete from Amherst, Massachusetts. Replacing my addition to chain-smoking with fitness at 30, I found my new community in triathlon. I finished my first sprint in 2007 and my first 70.3 in 2012 through a chaotic ocean swim. In 2014, as I was building up for my first IM in Maryland, I was hit by a utility truck while cycling and had to undergo a full shoulder rebuild. My target out of surgery was full recovery and a goal of reaching the finish line of my first ironman in 2016. At Mont Tremblant IM, in a non-stop rain, I reached the line of my first IM in just over 12 hours, far exceeding my safe goal of going under 13.
On top of my personal athletic goals, I am a father of 2 children (10 and 7) , a full-time tenure professor of design and the owner and creative director of my own 5 person design studio, IdeaCo. (www.IdeaCo.com). With 2 full time jobs, two full of life kids and a supportive wife, I am committed to making sport and fitness for all a center of my life. From 4:45 am wake ups to bike commutes to weekend warrior rides, my passion for Triathlon is always on my mind.
As a long time listener (5 years +), I am very happy to support the IMTalk. Thanks John and Bevan for all your work with great segments and full of humor, filling a void few can about what we are all so passionate about.
Craig Millman
When I was in high school we did Triathlon as a PE subject and got a little bit of a taste. However, it wasn’t until I was overweight and middle aged and decided to do something about it, that triathlon really hooked me. Joined up at Pursue Triathlon Club in Brisbane, Australia, and slowly went through each distance from sprint right up to this year completing my first Ironman up at Cairns. First of many hopefully, and have already signed up for NZ in 2018 and Cairns again in 2018. IM Talk is in integral part of my WT sessions, love the show.
Greg Penner

Pete Welsh
I am from the UK and am a member of Tri Preston (https://www.tripreston.co.uk/) which is a fantastic club with approx 150 members of all levels including a world age group medalist.
To date I have completed 1 non-branded ironman race which was the Lakesman in Keswick (Lake District, UK) in 2016, this was the 1st year the race was run and it's a fantastic event.
I have completed 4 non-branded half ironman races and managed a 30min PB in my last race with a 5hr 25min finish. I'm aiming to get closer to the 5hr mark next season when I'll also be competing in the Isoman Triathlon (full distance), which is a slightly different approach to long course racing (https://www.isomantri.com/).

Michael Cloke
I got in to triathlon with a club called Tri Force when living in Hatfield (UK) and last year completed 2 half Ironmans after about 18 months in the sport. I'm now living in Hastings and working as an accountant in London with quite a commute and trying to work out the best ways to train alongside that so I can push on again this year.
Hastings Runners are a great running club in the area, but haven't really found a triathlon club yet whose sessions I can make it to. Triathlon has benefited my physical and mental health massively and I love the sport and the people you meet through it.

Haig Prince
Been in and out the Triathletic dojo since 1986 and am taking the year off to focus on long distance mountain bike races like the 6 day Mountain bike race Breck Epic followed by the Leadville 100 and then of course the Leadville 10k on day 8. If I survive, it will truly be a week of Dojo Domination.
I used to race the USTS series, colors light Biathlon series and the long stuff back in the day, raced IM Canada 3x, New Zealand, Japan, Vineman and 2 Konas, 1990, 1993.
Still dig the SBR thing but at the ripe age of 53 and having 2 hip surgeries, hip surgery and my spine fused 15 months ago, I am doing the year on year off Tri’s to preserve the wheels.
Here is a pic of me and my 12 year old daughter (photo credit goes to her twin sister) at a recent reverse order pool Triathlon.

Brett Ryan

Justin Farley

Owen Hughes

Steve Doinidis
A lacrosse player in college that continued the drinking and smoking lifestyle until weight and lifestyle because an issue. Steve did his first triathlon in 2012 on a mountain bike and has never looked back!
I am the president of the Santa Cruz Triathlon Association and we operate the Santa Cruz Triathlon, an Olympic distance triathlon going into its 36th year. Support your local races!

Linda Rowe
Live, work and train in Christchurch New Zealand, been married to Andrew for 27 years, and we have been in business together for 22 of those years (Edgeware Mowers & Chainsaws). We have two children aged 24 and 21.
Life is constantly busy with family, work and training. I've done three full iron distances races (Challenge Wanaka twice and Taupo IM once) as well as lots of smaller distances over the years. Went to Kona in 2016 for Epic camp lite - it was awesome I was totally pushed out of my comfort zone and it gave me a real confidence boost I would highly recommend it!
I've made some great friends in my triathlon journey and I simply just love the feeling and the rewards I personally get from training and competing - it's such a healthy drug! Long may it continue.

Fran Egan
Fran Egan from Ireland, 40 years old and married to Michelle with 4 kids. Work as an Operations Director, currently doing a Masters in Business and run my own coaching business AscentSportsCoaching.com so as you can imagine I have lots of free time!
On top of all this I try fit in some IM training and racing :) in the sport since 2011, have finished 5 Ironmans with my first being 11:58 in IMUK and my fastest 10:02 in Barca....still chasing that 9:xx. Doubling up this year in Roth and Copenhagen and hope to catch you guys over in Roth.

Chris Hague
My name is Chris Hague and am a Masters' student working on my degree in Sports Psychology from Queens' University in Kingston, Ontario. My thesis is on how to improve coaches and coach education programs and in turn improve the experiences and developmental outcomes of their athletes. After I receive my degree, I hope to apply what I learn to teaching and expanding my coaching business. Check out Braveheartcanada.com for more details.

Wouter & Sonia Bracegirdle
Wouter (Belgian) and Sonia (Kiwi) divide their time between the Netherlands, the UK and New Zealand. Wouter is a freelance management consultant and recently completed his first full distance triathlon at Challenge Roth 2018. Sonia is a first-year professional triathlete (www.sonia.kiwi; Instagram: @sonia.kiwi), and also works in business development for a biotechnology start-up.

Darren Cranston
I am in Phoenix Tri Club in Dublin (Ireland) and am 39. I am an ex competitive swimmer so get to swim at the front and watch all the cyclists go by!!

Ed Schmitt
My wife, two boys and I live in central Wisconsin, about 25 miles from where IM Wisconsin is held. I'm a medic in the U.S. Air Force and work in Madison, WI. I started training for tris in 2010, and have raced IM for the last 5 seasons. Thanks for what you boys do, I'm especially keen on your rants and Bevan's reactions to them (~sometimes).

Paula Ryan
I am from the Sunshine Coast, Qld Australia and my local tri club is Caloundra Triathlon Club. We certainly have it pretty good here with excellent climbs on hinterland rides, awesome beaches for open water swims and weather that allows for year-round training - as well as the Noosa and Mooloolaba triathlon festivals! I also enjoy supporting our local surf club as a volunteer surf lifesaver and have previously rowed surfboats competitively. I started triathlon in 2016 and completed my first 70.3 at Taupo in 2018. Am looking forward to increasing my experiences and building towards a full ironman in the future.

Flo Heigl
I go by the nickname of "Flo" am 34 years old and from Austria. Been doing Tri's since 2009. My favourite distance is the half distance, but I keep doing one full per year until I bloody figure out how to do them well (not much of a runner so usually I fall out of the slots by mile 10-15).
Among others, I have done Lanzarote, UK, France but NEVER my home-race in Klagenfurt - oh, did I mention i HATE drafting and am ashamed of the level of support two infamous Austrian Pros are getting at that race?
For next year I'm signed up for ROTH - Pretty excited for that!

Mick Bakker
I live in Anchorage Alaska with my wife. I am a physician assistant in the Public Health Service.
Multisport is a huge passion of mine and your show has been wonderful by passing on training advice, updates on races/pros , and just keeping me motivated. Hopefully some day soon we will make it to New Zealand. Looks like and amazing place.

Tom Bland

Penny Sekkides

Tony Weeks
Ive been racing IM & ITU Long Distance since 2014 and this Kona will be my 6th IM.
I coach half a dozen local triathletes COREtriathlon.com and have hit my goal of coaching two of them to Kona 2019 qualification.
I’ve listened to the show weekly since 2012 - its been an invaluable source of info, motivation & entertainment - just keep going guys!

Meredith Bochmann

Dana Cowper
Dana Cowper currently living in Philadelphia, PA and proud member of T3 Philly tri club and Team Zoot! I am 37 years old and having been doing triathlons for 5 years now and have completed 3 -140.6s and 8 - 70.3s. Planning to take on IM Lake Placid next year and am equal parts excited and terrified:) I got in to triathlons to be a healthier version of myself. I gave up drinking and smoking and have not looked back since. Today my only vice is the donut, rather donuts... I came from a swimming background and am currently desperate to improve my run! I spent the majority of my life doing whatever I could to get out of running and that tends to show in my races! I work for a company that puts on gigantic corporate events and do not have to be at work until 9:30/10AM which makes training so much easier!

Daniel Costello
I’m from Newcastle in England but moved to Cornwall 6 years ago, which spared my interest in running after joining my local running club, Hayle Runners. Before triathlon I was a runner, specialising in half and full marathon distance races, with a PB of 1:16 for the half and 2:40 for the full. I decided due to injuries and also because just doing running was getting a bit boring to move up to triathlon, completing 70.3 Weymouth in the UK in 2017 the Ironman France and Wales in 2018. I work as a lifeguard at my local swimming pool.
Tony Camilleri

Ross Jackson
Michael Riediger

Chris Schrader

Mark Dixon
My name is Mark Dixon. I’m originally from the North East of England but now live in East Anglia and I am a member of Tri-Anglia triathlon club. I’ve been competing in tri since 2006 and to date I have completed 5 ironman distance races, loads of half and more sprint and standard distance races than I can count. I try not to take the tri scene too serious and enjoy a few beers (some would say too many). I seem to have been banned from holding the microphone at club presentation nights thanks to my impromptu karaoke skills.

Julian Schwartz
My name is Julian Schwartz. I’m 49 years old and live in San Antonio, Texas. I’m married to my lovely wife Myra who is also an IM triathlete. We have two great kids who are almost grown but not quite. My day job is a lawyer but my passion is all things Tri. My wife and I are proud members of Britton’s TriForce. I did my first sprint in 2013 and then stepped up the distance each year until my first Ironman in 2016. Since then it’s pretty much been one full, a couple of 70.3s, and a few other running or bike events annually to keep me satiated. I began listening to IM Talk back in 2015 and then added Legends and a few other tri podcasts over the past few years for my weekly listening pleasure. Love it all, the news, the fun, the history and love following the pros too! Appreciate all you gents do. Keep it up!

Jackie Nunes

Morten Gade Liebach
I'm Morten Gade Liebach from Denmark.
I have been a triathlete since 1992 (21 years of age). I got started because I stopped working in the forest after 2 years, and really needed some physical activity. Had zero sports background before that, but had always used my bike for transportation, and I had seen pictures of super cool triathlon bikes, and wanted one. So I had to become a triathlete. Logically.
It was tough. I've always been a bigger guy (lightest I've ever been is 79.5 kg at 178 cm, usually racing 5 kg heavier), and running is not my strength. Neither was swimming in my first season, I only knew breaststroke.
I got tired of getting out of the water last, so I joined the local swim squad in Thisted, training alongside 12-14 year old kids that had trained for years, and I could only swim freestyle as far as I could hold my breath... That was mentally tough, but I immersed myself in swimming, and with 4-5 sessions a week for a winter, barely having the energy for any other training, I managed to go from 17 minutes to around 9:something for 650 m in a pool triathlon. Massive improvement.
I never wanted to do an ironman, untill I accidentally decided to do one anyway in 1994. On average training 7-8 hours/week I did an 11:31:50. I'm still massively proud of that.
Then 1996 a disappointing 11:17, after much more training, and then in 1997 I went all in with the help of a coach and set my still standing PB of 10:07:17.
After the 1997 race I was burned out on triathlon, and other things in life needed my attention, so I ended up not really training for 8 years, but always wanting to.
Finally in 2005, with a wife and a baby underway, I started training again. That's doing it wrong, I know, but I couldn't stand not training, and I was dangerously close to 100 kg, and working in IT, which I still do. Something had to be done. Mostly riding my bike the first 3 years, but gradually started running again. And after a divorce in 2010 I really got back to triathlon again, and had a real season in 2011 with a half ironman. Which, incidentally, was my first half ironman ever, funny enough.
Since then I have done Challenge Roth twice and Ironman Copenhagen once, but only the first time in Roth was a good race (a bit under 11 hours I think). Extremely frustrating, because I was very fit for IMCPH in 2016, could've gone 10:15 or better.
Haven't felt like doing an ironman since.
For this year I will be doing short races only, not even a half. And I enjoy that prospect. My job/company as an independent consultant, my (new) wife, and being a great dad to my 2 kids all feels much more important than triathlon now.
Still, in 2021 I'll age up to the 50-54 AG - maybe an ironman again? Yes, I still have the bug.
Also, a shout out to my club, Randers Freja Triathlon, we are spoiled with what we have in the club, and the training facilities and geography here in Randers. Loving it.

Daryl Read
I’ve always lived in Canberra (the capital of Australia!!) and have my own small electrical wholesale business. I’ve been married for 20 years (some of those happilyJ) and have 3 teenage kids. I played Australian Rules Football in our local comp until I was about 34 and the body kept getting injured. After a few years of the gym and local fun runs I decided to give triathlon a go. Unlike a lot of Aussies I didn’t grow up near a beach and swimming was a big fear I wanted to conquer. Joined the local novice triathlon program and I never looked back. I like to embrace the “try anything” ethos and I’ve had a crack at all tri distances and love trying new races rather than just go back to the same ones. Only 1 IM which was Port Macquarie in 2017 (11:12 I think). Have done multiple half distance with my PB being 4:39 at Challenge Melbourne this year (the run was about 1 km short I think). My goal is to continue to develop and improve as a triathlete for as long as I still get a buzz out of jumping out of bed early.
Scott Bayvel
My name is Scott Bayvel, I am South African born and now living in Brisbane, Australia. I am studying IT at University here in Brisbane, and I am very passionate about triathlons and the community within the sport.
Instagram @scottbayvel
Twitter @sbayvel
Facebook @scottbayveltriathlete
Youtube @ https://youtube.com/channel/UCLT6Yjl7Y_Xc6KQxf9j8xvw

Tom Ward
Name - Tom Ward
From - Cheltenham, UK
Full time performance and triathlon coach as lead coach for Passion Fit Coaching and Team Passion Fit ( http://www.passionfit.co.uk/, FB: Passion Fit Coaching, Insta: Passion Fit Coaching).
Specialise in helping build self esteem in trauma and abuse victims through sport and exercise. This is linked to my own personal experience of trauma. A bit more about me is on the ‘Why I Tri’ link mentioned in episode 666 (CLICK HERE )
Age group triathlete. Multiple AG winner, multiple Kona and 70.3 worlds qualifier.

Darren Alchin
I'm from Sydney and train with Peter Clifford and the very strong HPT group out of Sutherland.
I love the long course stuff, and will be lining up for my 4th full Ironman at Lake Placid NY, this coming July.

Ian Blaiklock
I'm originally from Aberdeen in Scotland, but have settled on Northern Beaches of Sydney 13 years ago. I took up triathlon after I moved to Australia. People do it in Scotland apparently, but I don't know how. Its effin freezing and usually pelting as well. My last and best Ironman of 3, was the one and only Challenge Cairns in 2011. Certainly the cheapest Iron distance race in Cairns ! Since then, I got married in 2012 and had kids in 2014 and 2017, so just trying to get through those early, unpredictable years with the kids to see when (hopefully when, not if) I get another one done. In the meantime, club races with Warringah Triathlon Club at the spectacular North Head location, running and cycling events and the odd half distance event are achievable in the time available. I'm a civil engineer and currently leading the independent certification team on a new 9km long road tunnel in Sydney. I'm not busy John, I've just got a lot on my plate at the moment. Prioritising!

Kylie Cox
Age Group athlete, mum of two from Christchurch NZ. I am a Physiotherapist with an interest in Sports Science / Medicine.
I am a Coach for the local Triathlon club Junior programme, a regional ambassador for Women for Tri and a group running coach.

Brian Schwind
I am from Allentown, Pennsylvania (cue the Billy Joel Song) in US , which is between Philadelphia and NYC. I have been doing triathlon for 12 years now. I have done 5 Ironman's (and most of a 6th at IMCdA 2015 when it was 42C ) and a bunch 70.3's and shorter stuff. I am getting ready for Ironman 70.3 Maine in a couple weeks and will be doing it with my wife which will be her first 70.3. I work in IT as a Cloud Architect, but love being outdoors and am an avid traveler. NZ is on my list of places to hit in next couple of years.

Brendan Murray
I'm a Triathlon Coach working in Murwillumbah NSW (I live on the Gold Coast 30 mins away) I have an elite focused junior squad of 6 Athletes ages 8-14. Love helping the kids chase goals and show them some adventures, they have come along way in 2 years since we started, keep a look out.
Personally I've been doing triathlon 9 years I'm now 33. Been able to get on a few podiums in that time mostly Sprint and Olympic distance but have a few half Ironman to my name. Enjoy running mountains as it was my first endurance sport experience that got me hooked. Cycle club races here in the winter too. Next big race is the Australian Alpine Ascent Triathlon at Mt Kosciusko in Feb. 3/112/22...cold water, up high and plenty of climbing. Stoked!
We go by 'Kensho Endurance’. You can follow our adventures at Kenshoteam.com

Matt Sheaff

David Richards
British, living in the US & balancing parenthood, work and triathlon as much as possible. Enjoying triathlon, and still trying to get faster, at 50.
Trying to enjoy the process and about to chance the philosophy of my training away from pure triathlon specifics and into more strength training and focused indoor bike training to balance time, family and aging.

Sarah Foss

Glen Osmond

Matt Evans
The picture was taken after my first IM in Wales 2012 – that’s an SLS tri suit (remember them). The message was meant to acknowledge the enormous patience that my wife had in supporting me with the training but as I found out whilst out on the course, spectators seemed to think I was referencing something much more bedroom related!

Grant Petrie
A long time runner and high school cross country coach, at the urging of friends I began competing in triathlons in 2005. Podiumed in my first one and fell in love with the sport. I met John on a bus in Brisbane while going to Worlds in 2009 and have done two IM Epic camps. Love the training and the vibe at the camps.

Matt Twynham
Completed my first triathlon, a pool-based sprint, in 2001 having seen a photo of myself looking like a barrel! My background is swimming and so I was seeded with the 5 fastest guys in the last wave, it was hilarious when we got out to transition, there were 5 amazing looking TT bikes and in the middle of them, my bright red Raleigh mountain/shopping bike 😊. Needless to say I didn’t win the event, but I loved it and have been hooked ever since.
Completed the first ever UK Half Ironman back in 2003, then IM UK full distance in 2013 at Bolton. The following year, I did the Enduroman double distance IM and finished in a pathetic 43 hours, but there was only me taking part, so I guess I won.
After that I switched to Olympic distance and have raced for Team GB, I then packed up running in 2017, mainly because I was so crap at it. Took on the new fangled Aquabike racing and competed for Team GB at the World Champs in Fyn 2018, Pontevedra 2019.
This year I’m doing the Euro Aquabike in Austria and then a couple of 70.3’s (back running again!) and finally I’m off to the new full distance IM in Portugal in September.
Long term plan is to secure a Kona slot in my 20th year of Triathlon next year, fingers crossed.
I spend the winter living and training in Goa, India on a kind of 6-month winter camp. The weather is perfect and the roads and traffic are abysmal, but when everyday is 32 degrees and sunny you can struggle through.
That’s a very condensed history!

Craig Brighouse

Aaron Nelson-Chin
As a long time cyclist and long time ago swimmer, and having completed a few multi day endurance rides, I was searching for ways to make riding more challenging. I remembered being fascinated by the Iron War episode of Wide World of Sports as a kid, and thought i could give triathlon a go. Before i knew what it was, i had embarked on the Newsom 3 year plan to Ironman. I’ll always be a solid middle of the pack athlete, but what i lack in speed i make up in tenacity. Last August, i completed Ironman Mont Tremblant despite a serious attack of food poisoning on the course that had me throwing up 4 times, and literally countless trips to the port-a-loo. Obviously not my dream day, i still completed the course under the cut off time. Another Ironman branded race may be out of the range of what i can afford in both money and good-will from my wife, but as either a racer or a volunteer, i’ll always be a part of my local races in and around southern Ontario. This year’s Big Hairy Goal is to run my first Ultra marathon which i’m organizing with a few of my crazier training partners. Your show has provided a consistent touch-point with the triathlon world, and I’ve valued it immensely throughout my journey.
Looking forward to more episodes of Legends of Triathlon

Annette Lee
I'm a long in the tooth triathlete, for which you can blame John Newsom, he was my coach for 10 years and got me to Kona!
I'm currently living in Sydney but call Aotearoa home.
I'm a journalist by trade and was proud to be the producer of John's Epic Camp doco, "Going Long, Going Hard" which tracked the journey of a bunch of nutty triathletes from the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South Island.
I've completed 17 IM races, goodness knows how many sprints, Oly and halves and aim to keep on competing until something drops off or I drop off!
I'm currently being coached by Jan Wanklyn and the pair of us are advocating for mature ladies but will allow some men to join in at our blogsite twooldgirls.com

Roly Chuter

Luke Parker

Hamish Wall
Proud Canterbarian who enjoys the odd triathlon and ultramarathon. This picture was taken at one of the best triathlon races in New Zealand the OxMan www.oxman.co.nz

Tony West
Christchurch boy, transplanted and living in Melbourne for the last 20 years. I was a fat kid and fat bloke; exercise was going from couch to fridge and back again. The doc had been telling me for a few years that I wouldn’t see 50 at the rate I was going, but do blokes ever listen to the doctor? Early 2009 had some test results that said I was close to the end unless lifestyle changed. So; it changed. Went from 131kg (288lb) to 78kg (172lb) in 16 months - for a bloke that’s 170cm/5ft 7” tall, that’s a big change. I’ve attached a before (at my 40th) and after photo (after photo is Busso finish line) to show it was a fairly dramatic change.
Started in Les Mills RPM, had a PT that convinced me I could run, and got in with a great group of people who swam and rode and ran. And got hooked. Now it’s 1 full Ironman (IM WA 2016) done, numerous half IMs, multiple marathons/half marathons and distance ocean swims. And I am a completely different person.

Matt Charlton
Based in Carlisle in the very north of England (about as close to Scotland as you can get without being over the border!). Started running in 2011, first triathlon was a year later - 16 lengths of breaststroke in a pool and 20k on a mountain bike that was too small for me, somehow I got hooked!
Claim to fame is that I once finished dead last in a race that Lucy Charles won.
Train with and race for DH Runners - https://www.dhrunners.org/.
Co-Event director of Carlisle parkrun - https://www.parkrun.org.uk/carlisle/

Ryan Kervin
I completed my first full Marathon in 2009, first 70.3 in 2011 and first Full Ironman Melbourne in 2013
I have since completed 10 Full ‘Ironman distance’ triathlons including the incredible Challenge Roth race in 2017.
Attached is probably my favourite triathlon photo from Challenge Roth 2017 where my daughter Mia joined me for the finish

Stewart Milne
Live in Glasgow, Scotland. Started triathlon in 2004 and followed a six year plan building to IM Austria in 2010. Have currently completed 7 Ironmen, none of them fast, some very slow! Aiming to do 12 then enter legacy lottery for Kona. Married with 2 children, Work as consultant anaesthetist in the NHS.

Andrew Castaldi
I've been involved in athletics most of my life, though it was always for the joy of sport as opposed to the performance aspect. If it was for that, I would have given up a long time ago, haha. As a youth, I started with basketball and baseball then ran cross country in high school - yes, I was the senior on the junior varsity squad. I pretty much partied through college - sometimes I wonder how I graduated - then after university, I picked up triathlon in the early 2000s. In my first race, I was second to last out of the water, went the wrong way out of transition and somehow muddled my way through the run but I was hooked. I did my first IM at Florida in '04 am now up to 11 (might be more this year, depending on how things shake out). I kept at it and kept at it and kept at it and gradually improved. In my professional life, I'm an engineer working in the heavy construction industry. I move around a lot for my work and triathlon has always been a constant in my life. A run or ride or doing a local race has proven to be a great way to make new friends or get me through the tough times. These days, I live in Washington DC but race for the Boston Triathlon Team (I recently moved from Boston to DC - http://www.bostontriteam.com).
If you want to stalk me (haha!) athletically or professionally, my Strava and LinkedIn profiles are below.
Strava - Strava Cyclist Profile | Andrew Castaldi
LinkedIn - http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewcastaldi/

Michelle Kervin

Michael Derksen
Michael Derksen – California Central Valley. Sales rep for a scientific lab equipment company. VERY happily married with 2 awesome college kids. Favorite bike is actually my Harley Davidson Street Glide. Love a variety of endurance racing/training. From Olympic Triathlon, to Open Water swims like Alcatraz, to Marathons and Ironman events. Currently training with Crushing Iron team.
My biggest goal is to postpone the day that I need help to get up from the toilet for as long as possible.

John Ennis

Jenn Edwards

Pike Reardon
My real name is John but had the nickname "Pike" since I was a kid in England.
Originally from Yorkshire, left in 1985 lived in NZ & Aussie for 3 year when I backpacking around the world which took 5 years. (One of best mates is from Christchurch)
Been in Lake Tahoe USA for 30 years Married with teenage daughter. .
Did my first triathlon Wildflower 1992, finished 30 Ironman distance races

Guy Whitby
Completing Ironman races since 2013, competing in Ironman races since 2018 under the coaching of COREtriathlon.com.
Live in East Sussex UK, and run a sustainable sportswear business Prescasportswear.com

Nathan Regan
I’ve been listening now for around 3 years, although I have gone back through and listened from around episode 200.
I am an underground coal miner living in Newcastle (AUS) with my wife and 2 year old daughter.
I am a mad Sydney Roosters and Green Bay Packers supporter but enjoy watching most sports.
I have been racing triathlon for 3 years now and have completed 3 x 70.3 races and Ironman Australia in 2019.
I’ve struggled with motivation over the past few months but am back in training, gearing up for Tweed enduro half in March and Ironman Australia in May.

Iain Banks
I am originally from Southend, England but moved to Maryland in the US in 2004 and started swimming and running in additional to my cycling. Did a few sprints and Olympics before doing my first Ironman in 2006 at Florida. Went to a few 70.3m World Championships, and did a few more Ironman's with best of 9hr 44mins. Moved onto Xterra in 2015 and qualified for World's in Maui four times and competed there twice in 2015 an 2017, still trying to figure out if I'll go this year after qualifying in May. Recently got back into 70.3m racing at Eagleman with a new course PB at age 43 (new 10 year age group PB!) of 4hrs 20mins and 2nd in AG. Ironman Maryland to come in Fall after an 8 year Ironman hiatus.
Have owned Parvilla Cycles since 2011 in Annapolis Maryland! Check us out at ParvillaCycles.com and Parvilla Cycles on all usual social media's!

Gethin Hopkin

John Ware

Shane Reeves
Long time listener, never done an iron man, but on the list for the next few years.

Gareth Bridge
I'm a Kiwi living in London since 2010 and obsessed with triathlon. I went long in 2019 with Barcelona initially, then Nice last year and I've just completed Roth in 2022.

Luke Gillmer
I am a father of 3 kids and a school teacher living in Bathurst, NSW, Australia. I am 40 this year (born 1982). I started tri when I was 13 and had a few years away from the sport through university but re-found it again in my mid 20s. In 2009 while living in Canada I won the Canadian National Long Course Amateur Title overall, then I tried to race at the elite level in 70.3 distance from 2010-2012 but despite being a good amateur I was not competitive at the elite level and suffered issues with my ITB that really limited my running and ability to be competitive. It was a great experience travelling and racing in places like the Philippines.
I took a little time off from 2013-2015 then my love for the sport returned and I came 6th at Ironman Lake Tahoe in California in 2015 (amateur only race) and went to Kona in 2016. I then finally had an operation on my ITB and some more kids. I got back to Ironman in Cairns in 2021 and was way off making Kona, but this year I had a good race and was up an age group and finished 3rd in the 40-44 division and am now off to Hawaii again this October. It is costing me a fortune, but I love it and my very supportive fiancé Jenelle said we should just go and make it happen. This will be my last ironman for a few years so I can focus on the kids but I will keep racing shorter events as I love the sport.

Conor (in his words) is a mediocre triathlete, born in the UK, living on Waiheke Island with his wife and son. He aspires to one day be able to tumble turn in the pool

Collin Pollock

Graeme Mccallum

Gile Cooper